Articles on historical topics, people, etc.
Design Plans
City design Plans
GIS Maps (Geographic Information Maps of Providence)
GIS Maps of Providence
Maps of the City of Providence
Maps of the Town and City of Providence from various years.
Probate Court Records
Probate Docket Indices from 1646-1995.
Providence 1835 Census
This is the census from 1835 for Providence, Rhode Island.
Providence Board of Aldermen
Board of Aldermen Indices from 1832-1913
Providence City Council Records
This contains the City Council Indices from 1920-1929, and 1953-2024, and City Council Resolutions from 1953-2024.
Providence House Directories, 1895-1935 (excludes even years from 1902-1918)
A list of Names of Householders and Business Places arranged by Street Numbers
Providence Mayoral Portraits
Portraits of the Mayors of Providence
PVD Military Discharge Papers
Providence Military Discharge Papers
Recorder of Deeds
Grantee and Grantor Indexes from 1677-1960, Deeds Book 1-12, and Plat Cards from the 1840s-1920s.